Surgical instrument technicians: intraoperative adverse events

Instrumentador Quirúrgico: eventos adversos intraoperatorios

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Luisa Maria Rodríguez
Magnolia Posada
José Acuña


Introduction: the surgical instrument technician plays an important role in surgical patient care including handling certain drugs which may result in incidents and adverse events (AE). This study describes documented intraoperative AE. Materials and Methods: a review of the literature published between 2006 and 2017 in the Cochrane, MEDLINE, Embase platforms and health databases such as Pubmed, OVID, UptoDate and Scielo was conducted. Results: we found 1.747 documents but 1.697 were eliminated for not meeting the inclusion criteria and 41 were removed from the remaining 50 for not providing relevant data to this study.  Conclusions: although AEs associated with drug administration in the operating room is not infrequent, more studies featuring a high level of evidence which allow associating care provided by the surgical instrument technician and AEs are required.



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