Amputee of lower limb patient: Unsatisfied physical, emotional and social needs

Paciente amputado de miembro inferior: Necesidades físicas, emocionales y sociales insatisfechas

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Sandra M. Bañol H.
Dina C. Briceño R.
Aura l. Cuervo H.
Sandra M. Parra A.
Adriana Rodríguez A.
Martha J. Rojas R.


The objective of this work is to analyze the unsatisfied physical, social and emotional needs experienced by the young adult patient who suffers from the amputation of a lower limb, with the purpose of knowing directly and real- ly what their lived experiences are, taking the individual as a unique, integral and autonomous being. Each patient faces amputation in different ways, since aspects such as the way in which the person sees life, the ability to face difficult situations, personality, family support, expectations and hopes come together. Although each unsatisfied need has a specific name, the human being manifests it according to the process of acceptance and adaptation to amputation. For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with six patients attending the Comprehensive Colombian Rehabilitation Center (CIREC), from which it could be concluded that the emotional dimension is the most affected and in a lesser proportion the physical aspect, since this is the first to be satisfied.


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