Office Hysteroscopy: Experience in the gynecology and obstetrics service of the San José Hospital

Histeroscopia de oficina: Experiencia en el servicio de ginecología y obstetricia del Hospital de San José

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Hernando Ruiz Camero
Hernán Araméndiz
Alexandra Casasbuenas


Introduction: hysteroscopy is considered a diagnostic and therapeutic method that simultaneously allows the visualization of the endometrial cavity and the obtaining of biopsies, as well as the performance of different surgical procedures. It has been performed under general anesthesia with dilation of the internal cervical os; However, in the last decade modern equipment and in particular the specifications of the shape and diameters of the instruments, have allowed the execution of the procedure without requiring anesthesia. Under these conditions, hysteroscopy is called office or office (HDC).
Objectives: to describe the average time of completion of the HDC, the findings in the procedure in relation to those described in ultrasound and hysterosonography, the proportion of women in whom the endometrial cavity can be accessed to analyze the efficacy and tolerance to the same one without anesthesia in the Hospital of San Jose.
Materials and methods: between May 2004 and November 2005, 30 patients underwent HDC for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, performed by the same surgeon. The tolerance of the patient to the procedure and its relationship with possible surgical or obstetric history was described. The most frequent surgical findings and the agreement with the diagnostic methods performed prior to the procedure were also recorded.
Results: the study of the 30 patients revealed a mean age of 37 years. The most frequent ultrasound diagnosis was endocervical polyps in 31% as well as hysterosonography (27.6%). The average time was 5.14 minutes, the reported pain according to the analogous scale was 3.66 and the tolerance of the procedure 86%.
Conclusions: hysteroscopy is a simple and well tolerated diagnostic and therapeutic method for minor surgical procedures in the endometrial cavity. The tolerance in this series of cases is similar to that reported in larger series, although the percentage of admission to the endometrial cavity is lower.
Abbreviations: HDC, office hysteroscopy; SD, standard deviation; IUD, intrauterine device.



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