Nursing interventions in cranioencephalic trauma in the emergency department

Intervenciones de enfermería en trauma craneoencefálico en urgencias

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Adriana Quiroga
Johanna Ávila
Giovanny Badillo
Oswaldo Cleves
Magda Garavito
Laura Huertas
Landys Matallana
Jenny Soto


Series of 29 cases and their results in observations made with the help of a checklist during the course of the day and night shifts of nursing in the emergency department of a level III hospital in a period of 30 days. To collect the information, a list of 54 items describing the ideal management of the patient with TBI was used, as well as the interventions performed, those omitted and those responsible for them, to determine which should be performed during the first 60 minutes of admission to the service. of emergencies According to the literature, the number of activities that must be carried out is 54, of which 18 (33%) are competencies of the nursing professional. This study also revealed an important factor such as the precise diagnosis of the neurological deficit and the regularity of the assessment, which leads us to believe that it is essential to carry out a protocol of nursing interventions with sequential guidelines for better care. Abbreviations: TCE, cranioencephalic trauma; APH, prehospital care.



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